Monday, December 1, 2014

Fitness: A month of Crossfit

After last fitness update about running, I want to tell something about what I'm doing right now, Crossfit. When I was in the States for a vacation 2 years ago, one of my cousins told me about Crossfit. And she was so excited about it, she got me excited too. But, Crossfit is expensive and not the only sport I want to do, since I also want to bootcamp and run. Thinking about my budget, I decided to go to a local gym instead. I've had lots of fun there, I often worked out with my boyfriend, Wouter and with my friend Shannon. Every six weeks I got a new fitness schedule and I saw the changes in my body.

Then I kinda grew tired of the gym after 2 years and I was looking for something new. I've been doing kickboxing before I went to the gym and I tried out almost every kickbox gym in my area, but I didn't feel really comfortable in any of them. Then Ellen, another friend of mine, told me about the gym where she does Crossfit. A smaller gym, not to far away from my house and not as expensive as the big(ger) Crossfit boxes. Just what I was looking for! When my shins were healed I went with her to try it out and I loved it! I was physically and mentally challenged again and I went home with shaking legs and arms. I signed up that same week.

I like how 'Crossfitters' workout for achievements in stead of looks. Being proud of doing a 'clean and jerk' with more weight than last week in stead of being proud of a muscle that stands out more than yesterday. There are no girls who blow-dry their hair before a workout at the gym, there's no use in looking pretty, because after a Crossfit WOD everybody is a mess, lol.

Crossfit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport, calisthenics, strongman and other exercises. So there's plenty of room for variation and that's what I like. I'm doing Crossfit 2 to 3 times a week and not one evening is the same. Right now I'm combining it with yoga and a little bit of running (still have to run carefully because of my shins), but more about that later.

Right now I've been doing Crossfit for almost 2 months and I'm already feeling stronger. Every week I can do a little bit more and try out new things. I love it. I also decided with my friend Debbie, that we're going to try out different Crossfit 'boxes' or gyms all over the country. That's called boxhopping. She's joining me at my gym soon and next is hers. Of course I'll tell you all about it right here on my blog :)

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