As true addict to Instagram, I couldn't stay behind in doing the Instagram tag, created by Serena Verbon from the famous Dutch lifestyle blog Beautylab. So grabbed my statistics and answered the questions!
What's your Instagram name and why?
My name on Instagram is @DaintyDreamBlog, to match with my blog.
How many photos do you usually post?
About 3 photos per day. Most of the times I share a photo of my food or my workout.
What's your favorite Instagram photo:
I love the colors in this photo! We're both tanned and happy with our Starbucks Frappucino!
What Instagram photos has the most likes:
This photo of my Zucchini soup, I guess it's because of the pretty colors!
What apps do you use in combination with Instagram?
I use a couple of apps: Afterlight, Diptic and Project Life.
What celebrities do you follow?
Not many, but I follow the A Beautiful Mess account. Elsie is a celebrity to me ;)
What Instagram filter do you use the most?
Lo-fi, according to Iconsquare. But lately I only use the Afterlight app and no filters in Instagram.
What hashtags do you use most?
#fooddiarymsf #dailystills #cleaneating #foodinsp
Your latest Instavideo:
I posted a video from my max clean and jerk.
What animal accounts do you follow?
I follow @bossthefrenchbulldog and @cutieandthebeast.
Boss is such a cool Frenchie! And Cutie and the beast is super cute.
What businesses do you follow?
Do you have a lot of family members on Instagram.
Yes I have! I have a big family and we're very close, so it's fun to stay updated through photos everyday! They're my biggest fans and super loyal.
Yeaaaaa Favorite Instagram picture!♡